NeMMo 2024: New Materials for future MObility


Mobility has always evolved to connect new technologies with new societal demands. The current environmental concerns fuel a transformation as never before, with new modes of transport, new energies, new uses, new regulations, etc.

NeMMo 2024 was organized by SFIP & SIA will be back, in RENNES on July 3 & 4, 2024 for two days of exchanges and conferences, around an exhibition. It allowed to meet these expectations and imagine the future of mobility.

NeMMo 2024 ambitions to gather all the players of the mobility industry to trigger and facilitate the innovations and the technological developments necessary to meet these challenges : OEMs, raw materials suppliers – polymer, metal and mineral industries, tiers N-suppliers, materials processors and converters, machines and tooling manufacturers, global mobility manufactures (rail, aeronautics, nautical…), simulation software developers, multi-material assembly technologies providers, materials recyclers, academic research laboratories.

The main challenges of NeMMo 2024 are to highlight innovative products, applications, and manufacturing achievements aimed at:
> Triggering metallic, polymer, and hybrid new solutions for sustainability, carbon footprint, lightweighting, and electrification,
> Providing new opportunities by data science for materials development and simulation,
> Securing safety and competitiveness of electrified, autonomous, and connected vehicles,
> Addressing sustainability and circular economy topics along the entire value chain: LCA, recycled materials, feedstock market, design, etc.